Vladimir Film Festival

The Skat­rix

Pula / Kastel / 29 / 9 / 2018 / Event

After the under­ground suc­cess of their first film, the super 8mm skate­board clas­sic Fruit of the Vine (1999), Coan “Buddy” Nich­ols and Rick Charnoski foun­ded the inde­pend­ent pro­duc­tion com­pany Six Stair, which oper­ates under the same DIY eth­ics of the sub­cul­ture that raised them: skate­board­ing and punk rock.  Since 1999 Nich­ols and Charnoski have charted an unortho­dox path, mak­ing a broad range of films that con­sist­ently go bey­ond tired tropes to illu­min­ate deep­er truths. Cur­rently, they pro­duce and dir­ect the pop­u­lar web series “Love Let­ters to Skate­board­ing” for Vans and are in devel­op­ment of their first nar­rat­ive fea­ture (Warm Blood) and con­tin­ue to work on a vari­ety of both inde­pend­ent and com­mer­cial pro­jects out of their back alley stu­dio in Hol­ly­wood, CA.

On Vladi­mir they are present­ing a video install­a­tion, mix­ing skate­board­ing with con­tem­por­ary art. On Sat­urday 29th you will have an oppor­tun­ity to see it with your own eyes on the fort Kaštel in Pula.

South­ern Cali­for­nia is the home of the back­yard swim­ming pool. In some neigh­bor­hoods every house has one. Some­times the pools are empty. That’s when we hop the fence and ride them before the own­ers come home, neigh­bors com­plain or someone calls the cops. There are nev­er spec­tat­ors- no one who is not skat­ing is there watch­ing. About 15 years ago we came up with an idea for how non skaters could be a part of this secret experience.