Vladimir Film Festival



Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 27 / 9 / 2018 / Exhibition

Dor­nelân­dia is a col­lab­or­at­ive pro­ject between skaters and artists.

Skate mar­ket

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 27 / 9 / 2018 / Talk

Skate mar­ket is not so new of a concept for Vladi­mir as it is an exten­ded ver­sion of what we had in pre­vi­ous edi­tions of the festival.

Ted­die by George Toland

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 27 / 9 / 2018 / Film

Ted­die is the first full-length Ser­i­ous Adult video, filmed over the last 10 months, loosely based around trips to Mar­seille and Zar­agoza, with some South Lon­don crust thrown in for good measure!

Peter Fet­tich photo exhibition

Fažana / Kasarna / 27 / 9 / 2018 / Exhibition

Peter Fet­tich from Ljubljana, Slov­e­nia, has cap­tured some of the amaz­ing moments at Vert­brant mini ramp con­test and Vladi­mir film fest­iv­al, inter­mit­tently, since 2013.

Feng Shui

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 27 / 9 / 2018 / Film

A skate­board­ing cruise with the artist Raphael Brav­in Fumaça, filmed by Daniel Fer­reira, going through a couple of neigh­bor­hoods in Belo Horizonte.


Fažana / Piazza Grande / 28 / 9 / 2018 / Info

If you had a chance to try some of the recipes by Tibor Rep than you know why he is com­ing again this year.


Fažana / Piazza Grande / 28 / 9 / 2018 / Film

A few short films by Tom Wilk will be presen­ted on Fri­day 28th in Fažana fol­lowed by a photo exhibition.