Vladimir Film Festival


Ray­mond Knives on VFF 2014

08 / 09 / 2014 / Exhibition

And finally, the fourth pho­to­graph­er on Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al 2014, Ray­mond Knives. Ray is the founder/ CEO/ box stuffer and des­ig­nated dream­er at Prize Fighter […]

Vladi­mir 4

Fažana / 20 - 21 / 9 / 2014 / Program

Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al 20. – 21. 9. 2014

Stat­ic IV

Fažana / Caffe bar Stara Fažana / 20 / 9 / 2014 / Film

As the final pro­gram is near­ing, we are announ­cing Croa­tian premiere of Stat­ic IV

Cross­ing The Perth Dimen­sion on VFF 2014!

Fažana / Caffe bar Stara Fažana / 20 / 9 / 2014 / Film

Filmmakers/Artists Josh Roberts and James Whineray along with our friends form France and Japan are bring­ing us vibes from anoth­er side of the World.

VFF 2014: Elev­enth hour

17 / 07 / 2014 / Film

Elev­enth hour from Jac­ob Har­ris, is one of the most exit­ing skate video pro­jects that came out in 2013. The­or­ies of Atlantis web page ranked […]

VFF 2014 update: Black­cross­bowl documentary!

Fažana / Caffe bar Stara Fažana / 20 / 9 / 2014 / Film

Black­cross­bowl shows the full story from birth to death of one of Europe’s first DIY bowls and offers a glimpse into the life of the skate­boarders that cre­ated it with the help of the European DIY god­fath­er, Pon­tus Alv.