Vladimir Film Festival


The Sleep­ing Horse on VFF!!

11 / 09 / 2013 / Film

  Under­dogs from the under­ground good­ies arrived, along with the video for the off-pro­­gram, Round and Round by Toshi­hiro Honda, straight from Japan! Behold a drawing […]

Sergej Vutuc on VFF 2013!

Fažana / Glass Factory / 14 / 9 / 2013 / Exhibition

We’re proud to present you anoth­er import­ant name in skate pho­to­graphy, whose works will enrich the whole event, Sergej Vutuc!

Kristi­jan Smok on VFF 2013

Fažana / Glass Factory / 14 / 9 / 2013 / Exhibition

Fest­iv­al is near­ing, there are some typos in the blog and the poster, but before we handle this, let us present you anoth­er pho­to­graph­er who’ll exhib­it his work on this event, Kristi­jan Smok!

Vladi­mir 3

26 / 08 / 2013 / Program

Down­load the poster Pro­gram: Fri­day, 13.09. — Fažana MMC Fažana Pushed by Flori­an Schneider Soleil Levant by Magenta Skate­boards Sat­urday, 14.09. — Fažana Glass Fact­ory Ten­gu: God of Mischief […]

Behold a draw­ing of a pale horse

21 / 08 / 2013 / Story

Only under­ground stuff on the under­ground fest­iv­al! Wait­ing for some stuff from John Lind­say to come, only for VFF2013! What kind of stuff? Check it here: […]