Vladimir Film Festival


Grind­ing the country

Pula / Valli cinema / 28 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Grind­ing the coun­try by Olivi­er Lam­bert is a short doc­u­ment­ary about skate­board­ing in a small vil­lage in France.


Pula / Valli cinema / 28 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Reac­tions is made by skate­boarders in Debre­cen and it’s all about the low-key, depres­sion, dis­com­fort, and the com­puls­ive destruc­tion of another­’s joy.

Juli­an Furones

Pula / Valli cinema / 28 / 9 / 2019 / Exhibition

Juli­an’s pho­to­graph­ic work is com­posed in a chaot­ic mix between his per­son­al life and the people of the street.

Skate Nation by Paul Botwid

Pula / Valli cinema / 28 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Stock­holm Skate Nation is work­ing with skate­board­ing as a tool for find­ing a way into society.