Vladimir Film Festival

national park Brijunis

Treas­ure Island

Brijuni / 27 / 9 / 2020 / Film

Reserve your boat tick­et to Brijuni island and wit­ness skat­ing you have nev­er seen before done by Jan Kliew­er and Michael Mack­rodt and shot by Mr. clean and lovely Guil­laume Perimony.

Brijuni boat ride

31 / 08 / 2019 / Info

Don’t wait for the last moment to reserve your tick­et for the boat ride!

Brijuni island

Fažana / Brijuni / 25 / 9 / 2016 / Info

Colin Read will be with us today on the Bri­oni islands for an open screen­ing of his latest film Spir­it Quest.