Vladimir Film Festival


Vladi­mir 2019

26 - 29 / 9 / 2019 / Info

The dates for the 9th edi­tion of Vladi­mir film fest­iv­al are out and will take place in Fažana, Pula and Brijuni nation­al park from 26th till 29th of Septem­ber 2019.

VFF 2014 update: Black­cross­bowl documentary!

Fažana / Caffe bar Stara Fažana / 20 / 9 / 2014 / Film

Black­cross­bowl shows the full story from birth to death of one of Europe’s first DIY bowls and offers a glimpse into the life of the skate­boarders that cre­ated it with the help of the European DIY god­fath­er, Pon­tus Alv.

Grey Area on VFF 2013

08 / 08 / 2013 / Film

Grey area, Pol­ish video that dig some dust last year when it was pub­lish, this year on VFF2013! Rough, dirty spots, DIY philo­sophy, pure love […]

Robert Koc­jan

05 / 07 / 2013 / Film

Robert Koc­jan hits the ex liqueur fact­ory as the night is falling.