Vladimir Film Festival

Tab­ula rasa by Raul Žgomba

08 / 09 / 2019 / Film

Photo by Tedi Korodi / Hand­some Mat­teo Putigna

Croa­tian video shot and edited by young skater from Pula, Raul Žgomba fea­tur­ing skat­ing by Zvon­imir Mikić, Ant­o­nio Peković, Dino Coce, Nino Jurlina, and more. Tab­ula Rasa is the most awaited Croa­tian video after Nikola’s Sol­sti­cij and Nino Jurlin­a’s Broth­ers so be sure to catch it on Fri­day in Fažana at the Piazza Grande where the screen­ings start from 8pm.