Vladimir Film Festival

Sub­mit your film for Smör­gås­board Skate Film Fest­iv­al 2022

25 / 7 / 2022 / Story

Our friends from Smör­gås­board ask you to sub­mit a film by August 5th 2022.

This is what they have to say about it: Have you made a short skate video that you would like to see accom­pan­ied by live piano music? On August 25th 2022 Smör­gås­board Skate Film Fest­iv­al will arrange a pop-up event in col­lab­or­a­tion with the Piano fest­iv­al. The pian­ist Car­oline Leander will com­pose and per­form live at the screen­ing of the films. The event will take place at Dunkers Cul­ture house in Helsing­borg, Sweden, out­side the mini ramp or indoors in the con­cert hall in case of rain. We will make a selec­tion of the sub­mit­ted films. Videos chosen will be screened at the event and accom­pan­ied by live piano music. The per­form­ance will be live-streamed on social media platforms.

You can sub­mit your film if:
The video is a min­im­um 1‑minute max­im­um of 10 min
The video does­n’t have any music in it
You are the mater­i­al own­er and can ensure every­one par­ti­cip­at­ing in the video is OK with you sub­mit­ting the video.

So do not be lazy in this hot sum­mer, go ahead and make your foot­age play a piano on the big screen!