Vladimir Film Festival

Stat­ic VI by Josh Stewart

Vodnjan / Astra / 22 / 09 / 2023 / Film

Stat­ic VI is Flor­ida-born, N.Y.C.-based Josh Stew­art’s new­est unex­pec­ted brainchild, and the sur­prise fol­low-up to what had been announced and accep­ted as the ulti­mate install­ment in a par­tic­u­larly cul­tur­ally cru­cial series of full-length skate videos, a few years back. Since its incep­tion in 1999, the “Stat­ic” saga only has been fed­er­at­ing more and more scenes across, first, dis­con­nec­ted or isol­ated regions of the USA and then whole oceans, as the bridges it was designed to build logic­ally just kept form­ing and extend­ing all the way to the old con­tin­ent, until finally con­nect­ing with the European scene(s) in terms of sin­cere pas­sion before com­mer­cial consideration.

Vladi­mir 2019 already saw Josh’s pres­ence on loc­a­tion, and the one of many of his favor­ite arte­facts under the occur­rence of Stat­ic XX, an exclus­ive ret­ro­spect­ive exhib­i­tion on the sub­ject of the entire series; an event already pre­ced­en­ted by the European premiere of Stat­ic IV/V at Vladi­mir 2014, so a few years pri­or, then thought to be final clos­ure. In 2023, Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al is delighted to announce and host the European premiere of the brand new opus that is Stat­ic VI.

You prob­ably want to read more. Here is an inter­view we did with Josh a while back and also a report from Vladi­mir 2019 from Live.