Vladimir Film Festival

Soy Panday

Vodnjan / Astra / 22 / 09 / 2023 / Exhibition

Soy Panday is a French pro­fes­sion­al skate­boarder, artist, and comedi­an, mostly known for his con­tri­bu­tion to the skate­board­ing cul­ture. He first gained atten­tion in the French and European skate scenes of the early 2000’s through his par­tic­u­lar style and approach, before reach­ing inter­na­tion­al recog­ni­tion in 2007 with his part in Josh Stewart’s Stat­ic III video. In 2010, he co-founds Magenta Skate­boards in Par­is with long­time friends Vivi­en and Jean Feil, for which he does designs and art dir­ec­tion. The brand quickly meets a world­wide audi­ence and is now con­sidered a staple of skate­board­ing cul­ture. His graph­ic art can be described as poet­ic­ally sur­real and pos­it­ive, explor­ing, in his own way, the spir­itu­al dimen­sion. Soy lives and work in Paris.

The exhib­i­tion presen­ted here is based on his work for Magenta Skate­boards, show­cas­ing board graph­ic ele­ments from the past few years in a pre­vi­ously unseen light.