Vladimir Film Festival

Sorry Babe, I’m Late

Vodnjan / Astra / 22 / 09 / 2023 / Film

Sorry Babe, I’m Late is the debut video from Evol Reb, a Ber­lin-based brand ‘foun­ded on friend­ship and a shared love for skate­board­ing’. It is an audi­ovisu­al invit­a­tion to the riders’ dif­fer­ent home turfs around Ger­many, and onto a few Medi­ter­ranean cruises. ‘Draw­ing inspir­a­tion from vari­ous epochs of skate­board­ing and music, the brand char­ac­ter­izes its approach as “pro­gress­ive nos­tal­gia”: stay­ing true to the good things of the past that feel like home to many of us while sim­ul­tan­eously embra­cing the mod­ern.’ The video prom­ises a ‘romantic and gentle’ touch.

Enrico Ziwes is ‘a film­maker liv­ing in Ber­lin who star­ted his jour­ney behind the TRV-900 in early 2020, driv­en by the desire to cre­ate ever­last­ing memor­ies and con­tem­por­ary testi­mon­ies with his friends’.