Vladimir Film Festival

Some­how… Somewhere…

Fažana / Caffe bar Stara Fažana / 23 / 9 / 2016 / Film

With this year’s pro­gram Vladi­mir is reach­ing some more remote parts of the world. VFF 2016 edi­tion will be rich­er for an inter­est­ing vis­it from Rus­sia: The crew from Absurd skate­boards, led by legendary Kir­ill Korob­kov, will be present­ing them­selves Some­how… Some­where… pro­ject, which is set to be their first pub­lic video edit!

The video con­sists of four sec­tions, each one por­tray­ing a dif­fer­ent trip the team took last year (Euro trip, Siberi­an skate camp, the Yak­u­tia Repub­lic and the trip along the Volga River). Everything was doc­u­mented only with HI8 cam­er­as, with no addi­tion­al optics or fish-eye lenses.

“We tried to focus on mode of life we had dur­ing skate tours, as well as feel­ing of free­dom and adven­ture that skate­board­ing offers. Tricks may be an import­ant part of skate­board­ing, but skate­board­ing is way much more than just tricks. Absurd is actu­ally every­where around us and skate­board­ing helps to find it.”

Pho­tos by Bara­baka