Vladimir Film Festival

Sol­sti­cij DVD out now

2017 Story

Sol­sti­cij is an inde­pend­ent skate­board film by Nikola Racan. Shot between 2012 – 2016 on vari­ous loc­a­tions through­out Europe. It fea­tures over 70 skaters with full parts from Zoe Miloš, Tomaž Šantl, Aymer­ic Nocus, Robert Koc­jan, Marko Zubak, Masaki Ui, Nino Jurlina, Elvis Butković and many more.

I really can­’t speak highly enough of Nikola’s debut DVD release, it’s of my per­son­al favour­ite videos of all time.

Nich­olas Edwards Shar­ratt aka Nick Palomino

The DVD is out! Get it now! Get it here!