Vladimir Film Festival

Sofia Negri: The Skatebook

Vodnjan / Astra / 22 / 09 / 2023 / Film

What’s that noise? Who’s that skater down the alley try­ing to land the same trick for the nth time? If you want to know bet­ter, have a look at the anim­ated pages of The Skate­book, which reveal the thoughts, memor­ies, hopes and fears of the expand­ing skate­board­ing scene in London.

Sofia Negri keeps things mov­ing, wheth­er they are anim­ated frames, skate­board wheels or dan­cing feet, it doesn’t mat­ter. Being a freel­ance anim­at­or in Lon­don, she has recently juggled with jobs for the BFI, Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al and Save The Children.