Vladimir Film Festival

Skate mar­ket

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 27 / 9 / 2018 / Talk

Photo by: Stefan Schwing­ham­mer (Solo)

Skate mar­ket is not so new of a concept for Vladi­mir as it is an exten­ded ver­sion of what we had in pre­vi­ous edi­tions of the fest­iv­al. This year we have Palo­mino from the UK, Dumb skate­boards from Italy, Absurd skate­boards from Rus­sia, Simple skate­boards from Rijeka, Low Life from Zagreb, Marko Zubak from Rov­inj and some new Vladi­mir goodies!

So if you are look­ing for some new t‑shirts, hood­ies, DVD’s, zines and more don’t miss out on this bundle of joy at the Bri­oni hotel in Fažana on Thursday 27th!