Vladimir Film Festival

Short Bus 2

Barbariga / Fort Forno / 17 / 9 / 2021 / Film

Short Bus 2 is a DIY skate­board video by Josh “Pizza Box” Han­cock con­sist­ing of behind-the-scenes foot­age from Jeff Gros­so’s Love Let­ters to Skate­board­ing, cap­tur­ing the essence of the skate ses­sions that happened along the way and co-fea­tur­ing dozens of skate­boarders caught on tape, film and memory cards from Los Angeles to Atlanta, Hawaii to Canada, and Oak­land to Orca’s Island.

Short Bus 2 offi­cial poster

This video is inten­ded to stoke out the view­er and encour­age them to go make skate videos with their friends, whilst rhyth­mic­ally sup­por­ted by an ener­get­ic soundtrack.

Fea­tured Skate­boarders:  Ale­jandro De Pass, Brad­ley Weems, Pizza Box, Bud­dyNich­ols, Rick Charnoski, Jeff Grosso, Baby Girl, Andy Wiss­man, Tim Han­cock, Grant Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Pat­lanta, Bucky, Bridge Help Dave, Seth­sta­fari, ATL Loc­als, Evan Mock, Malakai, Hei­mana Reyn­olds, Roxzi, Larry, Six­side Loc­als, Leeside Loc­als, Adam Hop­kins, Ron­nie San­dov­al, Cedrich Pabich, Al Partan­en, Shota Kubo, Chris Pfan­ner, and prob­ably others.