Vladimir Film Festival

Sergej Vutuc on VFF 2016

Pula / Cvajner gallery / 24 / 9 / 2016 / Exhibition

We are start­ing hard & strong this year. The first seg­ment of the VFF 2016 pro­gram to be announced is the one and only Sergej Vutuc. Skater, artist and pho­to­graph­er known widely to the skate com­munity will be present­ing his work with a solo exhib­i­tion in the Cva­jn­er gal­lery as an exten­sion to the stand­ard format of the fest­iv­al. Vladi­mir is is going to take place on the 23rd — 25th of Septem­ber in Fažana and Pula.

“Vutuc’s work reaf­firms that the skate­boarder is not a detached voyeur of urb­an mod­ern­ity. He has to con­stantly engage with his envir­on­ment, re-invent and make new use out of it. His gaze, like Vutuc’s, is a nomad­ic one. It is always search­ing for things that are usable, beau­ti­ful or just plain fun, things he can invest him­self in. These frag­ments become the raw mater­i­al for stor­ies the „mouth can nev­er say,“ stor­ies priv­ileged for the eye.”

More about his work on his site and shop.