Vladimir Film Festival

Sar­cus­nevarc presents Photosynthesis

Pula / Valli cinema / 29 / 9 / 2018 / Film

Ali­en Work­shop’s Pho­to­syn­thes­is is regarded as one of skate­board­ing’s mas­ter­pieces, nick­named the orange tape, over­flow­ing with ledge tech and con­sol­id­at­ing the future legendary status of numer­ous true ori­gin­als. Joe Castrucci and Bill Strobeck­’s styl­ist­ic vis­ions per­fectly cap­tured the trans­ition from the loose fit­ted late 90’s to the excit­ingly evolving early millennium.

Mar­cus Craven (Sar­cus­nevarc), artist and anim­at­or from Manchester, UK cre­ated an anim­ated homage that he will show on Sat­urday 29th at the cinema Kino Valli in Pula titled Sar­cus­nevarc presents pho­to­syn­thes­is.