Vladimir Film Festival

First Push: The Blos­som­ing Skate­board­ing Scene in Pakistan

Pula / Circolo / 24 / 9 / 2022 / Film

As skate­board­ing reaches every corner of the globe, many places are just dis­cov­er­ing the life­style. The skate­board­ing scene in Pakistan is brand new and still struggles with lack of access. The Los Angeles based non­profit, Salad Days of Skate­board­ing, has been build­ing rela­tion­ships and send­ing boards to a loc­al Lahore skater to help the scene grow for the past two years under the name Skate­Pakistan. In Feb­ru­ary, 2022, the Salad Days crew spent a few weeks in Lahore and Islamabad to fur­ther sup­port the skaters by bring­ing product, hold­ing skate work­shops, build­ing skate ramps; and most import­antly, to exper­i­ence the begin­nings of a new skate scene in one of the most unique and mis­un­der­stood coun­tries. This short film details the dawn of the Skate­Pakistan scene.