Vladimir Film Festival

Rios crew

Fažana / Caffe bar Stara Fažana / 18 / 9 / 2015 / Film

This guys shred! We like their style a lot. Rios crew, a bunch of Hun­gari­ans from Bud­apest are com­ing in Fažana to show their latest video. They did­n’t have a name for it yet so we named it Yönnek! It lit­er­ally trans­lates to: They are coming!

Check out the inter­view with Rios crew at Quar­ter­snacks. Find some more posts about them on Live skate­board media or on their tumblr page.

We were in Split, Croa­tia, and Kakas tried to skate a rail which was at the entrance of a pub. The own­er was so hyped that he told the cos­tumers to sit away from us so he could have the run up for the rail. We got free beers, too.




Teas­er video for Aperitif