Vladimir Film Festival

Revolu­tions on Granite

Fažana / Brijuni / 19 / 9 / 2021 / Film

Revolu­tions on Gran­ite is a doc­u­ment­ary about Maidan Nezah­lezhon­sti, a pub­lic square in the heart of Kyiv, Ukraine — fam­ously home to a num­ber of polit­ic­al revolu­tions, but also the birth­place of a cul­tur­al revolu­tion after the fall of the Iron Cur­tain. The film takes a look at the bur­geon­ing skate­board scene at Maidan in the early 1990’s, and invest­ig­ates the idea of a coun­ter­cul­ture being cre­ated in a place of strict uniformity.

Dir­ec­ted by Brendan Gil­li­am and Peter Conopask.