Vladimir Film Festival

Revolu­tions on Gran­ite online

8 / 4 / 2022 / Story

It was a night on which we were only wor­ried about wheth­er it was going to rain. In the hall where around two hun­dred soak­ing wet guests and friends of Vladi­mir sent off the last train from Kyiv, run­ning towards the last boat for Fažana. On the ride back home on that boat, hug­ging with my broth­ers (Ukrain­i­an and Rus­si­an) I had noth­ing left to say about rain any­more. Today, not even a year later, there is some­thing more inside of us. There is a price which we call life, there is a reas­on which we call stupidity.

- Nikola Racan

Brendan Gil­li­am’s and Peter Con­o­pask’s film had it’s world premiere on Septem­ber 19th on the rainy island of Veliki Brijun in the con­gress hall of hotel Neptun.