Vladimir Film Festival

RepEAT strikes again…

Barbariga / Fort Forno / 23 / 9 / 2022 / Event

RepEAT will once again be keep­ing us from get­ting hangry with his healthy dishes Fri­day at Fort Forno. Bring your appet­ite and some kuna and be fed by a liv­ing skate legend from the neigh­bour­ing Slov­e­nia. (Be sure to check his foot­age in the Dam­age Video 20 year ret­ro­spect­ive, also at the Fort that day).

I like to cre­ate and share recipes that are fresh, sea­son­al, mostly simple, often healthy, com­fort food.

If we’re lucky, he’ll have cop­ies of some of his cook­ing zines avail­able for pur­chase as well, full of great recipes and fun drawings.

Repeat foodz­ine