Vladimir Film Festival

Rem­nant Sale

Fažana / Main square / 21 / 09 / 2023 / Film

Abe Dubin, a.k.a. Orange Man of Fancy Lad Skate­boards, scours the out­er reaches and the trenches of Amer­ic­ana — scan­ning for the tran­scend­ent, over frag­ments of cracked con­crete and pre-apo­ca­lyptic rel­ics, in a no-man’s-land­scape we call mod­ern living.

Excav­at­ing ancient ruins of dreams, reel­ing in the rever­ber­at­ing memor­ies of gen­er­a­tions lost, sus­pen­ded in time and space, some­place between the ever tick­ing second hand of the clock and the next dot on the map… And the next neg­lected spot behind a dilap­id­ated video store. Wad­ing in the lobby of limbo, what lies around the next bend? Pock­ets of joy bur­ied in rubble, mini mir­acles pop out of the charred pave­ment like pop­pies, offer­ing their uniquely fra­grant essences to be skated.

Wad­ing in the lobby of limbo, what lies around the next bend?

The vacant park­ing spaces rich with poten­tial to listen in to the word­less whis­per of the humid wind, the repeat­ing click of the cica­das as we meta­morph­ose some­thing inside.