Vladimir Film Festival


Barbariga / Fort Forno / 17 / 9 / 2021 / Film

A skate video doub­ling up as the author’s film school gradu­ation pro­ject, Refu­gi­um by Johannes Kammer­er was in the works for two years and explores skate­board­ing as a prac­tice of escap­ism, com­bin­ing its aes­thet­ic with the one of anim­a­tions and visu­al effects to tell the story of run­ning away into an urb­an Nev­er­land — a sur­real­ist world where you can still be a child.

Refu­gi­um means a place of retreat. I had struggled with the name for a long time and looked for a suit­able title at all, but for me it describes skate­board­ing best.

- Johannes Kammerer