Vladimir Film Festival

Raul Žgomba interview

5 / 9 / 2019 / Interview

Raul Žgomba / Photo by ?

Inter­view by Nikola Racan

Q: Ok so there is a lot of pres­sure, but where are you at with the video, is it edited yet?

A: The glass is half full and half empty! I kinda know how it’s gonna end. For Coce’s part, I’ve known for half of the year exactly what I’m gonna do, I just didn’t do it yet. I neem more time ti final­ize it. There is still a clip or two to be filmed with (Zvon­imir) Mikić, we’re gonna do it once he is back from Belgrade.

Q: How did you decide to make a full length skate video? Who is fea­tured and how did the crew come up together?

A: We bought a cam­era when Feki (Mario Fanuko) star­ted to skate with us and made an edit for Vladi­mir 2015. Then I bought a VX and slowly star­ted to film loc­als and every­one that came to skate in Pula, like Dino Coce, who came to skate the con­test. When Karlo (Gluhačić), Pat­rik (Prhat) i Mateo (Putigna) went to study in Zagreb, I vis­ited them often and filmed ZG crew; Teki (Filip Tenšek), Peki (Ant­o­nio Peković)… Every­one was stoked about the pro­ject and after the Pula skate con­test, we star­ted to film even more, espe­cially when Mikić moved to Pula. You know, the scene is small and if you’re on the roll, you just keep on rol­lin’! This year was the most pro­duct­ive; we skated Bel­grade, Ljubljana, Copen­ha­gen and Split. When I filmed for Broth­er video, Nino (Jurlina) and I had a deal: you film a part for me and I’ll do the same for you.

Raul Žgomba / Photo by ?

Q: For those who don’t know you well, you used to be a state moto­cross cham­pi­on. You stopped act­ively com­pet­ing and I won­der do you miss all of that?

A: I don’t know, I mean I do like to ride a bike, but just for myself. Com­pet­it­ive racing was too stress­ful so I’m not into it any­more, I don’t feel it and it’s too expens­ive. If I con­tin­ued, there would be no time for skat­ing, film­ing or study­ing. My dad really misses it tho, he was my train­er and he would love to see me race for at least one more season.

Q: Any­thing else you wanna add?

A: Thanks to every­one that skated with me. See you at the premiere!

Raul Žgomba / Photo by ?

Tab­ula Rasa premiered on Septem­ber 27th at Piazza Grande in Fažana.