Vladimir Film Festival

Flori­an Schneider: Pushed on VFF 2013!

05 / 08 / 2013 / Film

Pushed by Flori­an Schneider is on our wish list since when we star­ted with the fest­iv­al and finally we have the oppor­tun­ity to screen it!

Here are few words from the author about the film:

“… this pro­ject deals with the links between skate­board­ing and cre­at­ive habbits. It is about the point of view you get on your envir­on­ment because of skate­board­ing. It deals with love and hate in a piece of wood and all the dif­fer­ent kinds of cre­at­ive out­put that is pro­duced in skateboarding’s own microkos­mos. And it may take a look at the kitschy ques­tion of this pas­sion, such as: Is it pos­sible to look at skate­board­ing as an artform?”

Speak­ing about the people he picked to por­tray in his film, Flori­an says:

“I picked these char­ac­ters because I have always been impressed and inspired by their work. I like the fact that these guys are going their way without any sell-outs or even selling their motives – which is kind of a kitschy point of view as well. In my eyes, these guys were always up to giv­ing some­thing back to this scene from a very inde­pend­ent attitude.”

Click here to buy the video!