Vladimir Film Festival

Push Peri­od­ic­al by Richard Hart

Pula / Valli cinema / 19 / 9 / 2015 / Exhibition

Richard Hart, a San Fran­cisco based skater and pho­to­graph­er is join­ing us in per­son here in Fažana present­ing not only his work but also his new­est pro­ject named Push Peri­od­ic­al, an  inde­pend­ent skate­board magazine, prin­ted peri­od­ic­ally in lim­ited edi­tions. Hart’s work has been presen­ted in numer­ous edi­tions of skate portals and magazines around the world, to name a few: 43 mag, King­pin, Trans­world

I hope I am passing on some­thing of the feel­ing that I got from skate pho­tos as a kid. That excite­ment, and that new way of look­ing at things. (Street) skat­ing is, at best, a cre­at­ive re-appro­pri­ation of a giv­en envir­on­ment; sort of a re-ima­gin­ing of objects. Pretty cool really; pretty mind-expand­ing for me when I was a kid.

From the inter­view by Vivi­en Feil at Magenta