Vladimir Film Festival

Push Par­tial World Tour 2

Pula / Cvajner gallery / 23 / 9 / 2017 / Film

Zach Cham­ber­lin in col­lab­or­a­tion with Richard Hart is bring­ing us the sequel to Push Par­tial World Tour fea­tur­ing Bobby Wor­rest, Roger Krebs, John Barag­wanath, Ryan Bar­low and Kev­in Coakley vis­it­ing Ant­werp and Lisbon.

We are happy to say that Vladi­mir will be the world premiere and that we have both Zach and Rich here to present the video on Sat­urday, Septem­ber 23rd at the Cva­jn­er gal­lery in Pula. In this occa­sion we are bring­ing you an inter­view with them done by Aymer­ic Nocus. Check it out here!