Print exchange on Vladimir
It is with great pleasure that we are presenting to you the exhibition that we are hosting at the 2017 Vladimir: Film Por Vida Print Exchange Program.
The project started by Jai Tanju is an international exchange of photographic prints through the mail by all sorts of photographers from around the world. Jai has sent out thousands of photos to hundreds of photographers and received almost as much in return, and all the photographers exchange amongst themselves as well.
On display will be hundreds of photographs that Jai received through the Print Exchange Program accompanied with photographs by some of the major players of the P.E.P. the likes of Joe Brook, Tobin Yelland, Sam Milianta, Dave Schubert, Dan Boulton, J. Siega, Takeshi Abe, B. Fonville, Ross Rogers, Ken Nagahara, Weston Colton, Brad Westcot, Greg Hunt, Dennis McGrath, Bryce Kanights, Taro Hirano, Amanda Lopez, Tim Irwin, Isaac Randozzi, Ben Mistak, Jason Duffany, Dave Franklin, Kingsley Ifill and Ed Templeton.
Be sure to check the site filmporvida where all of the postcards are digitaly archived, and who knows, maybe you get inspired and join the program.
The Print Exchange is an international exchange of photographs through the mail. You basically put a stamp and somebody’s address on the back of a photograph, send it away, and hopefully, they’ll send you something back.
Jai Tanju
The Print Exchange is opening the festival on Day Zero, Thursday 21st of September at 19:00 pm at Brioni Hotel in Fažana and it is going to be opened thru the duration of the festival every day from 17:00 — 22:00 pm.