Vladimir Film Festival

Print exchange on Vladimir

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 21 / 9 / 2017 / Exhibition

It is with great pleas­ure that we are present­ing to you the exhib­i­tion that we are host­ing at the 2017 Vladi­mir: Film Por Vida Print Exchange Pro­gram.

The pro­ject star­ted by Jai Tan­ju is an inter­na­tion­al exchange of pho­to­graph­ic prints through the mail by all sorts of pho­to­graph­ers from around the world. Jai has sent out thou­sands of pho­tos to hun­dreds of pho­to­graph­ers and received almost as much in return, and all the pho­to­graph­ers exchange amongst them­selves as well.

On dis­play will be hun­dreds of pho­to­graphs that Jai received through the Print Exchange Pro­gram accom­pan­ied with pho­to­graphs by some of the major play­ers of the P.E.P. the likes of Joe Brook, Tobin Yel­land, Sam Mili­anta, Dave Schubert, Dan Boulton, J. Siega, Take­shi Abe, B. Fon­ville, Ross Rogers, Ken Naga­ha­ra, West­on Colton, Brad West­cot, Greg Hunt, Den­nis McGrath, Bryce Kanights, Taro Hir­ano, Aman­da Lopez, Tim Irwin, Isaac Ran­dozzi, Ben Mis­tak, Jason Duffany, Dave Frank­lin, Kings­ley Ifill and Ed Templeton.

Be sure to check the site film­por­vida where all of the post­cards are digitaly archived, and who knows, maybe you get inspired and join the program.

The Print Exchange is an inter­na­tion­al exchange of pho­to­graphs through the mail. You basic­ally put a stamp and some­body’s address on the back of a pho­to­graph, send it away, and hope­fully, they’ll send you some­thing back.

Jai Tan­ju

The Print Exchange is open­ing the fest­iv­al on Day Zero, Thursday 21st of Septem­ber at 19:00 pm at Bri­oni Hotel in Fažana and it is going to be opened thru the dur­a­tion of the fest­iv­al every day from 17:00 — 22:00 pm.