Vladimir Film Festival

Present­a­tion of “Dick skin­ners” book, by Tadej Vaukman

Fažana / Caffe bar Stara Fažana / 18 / 9 / 2015 / Talk

Tadej Vauk­man’s sev­en-year jour­ney, enclosed in a photo book, is the latest nov­elty com­ing from the Rost­Frei Pub­lish­ing, cre­at­ors of the fam­ous trans-Balkan street magazine called Kon­te­jn­er. Prin­ted and hand­craf­ted in their own back­yard, “Dick Skin­ners” book is a photo doc­u­ment­a­tion of every­day life, skate­board­ing and free­dom, moments are cap­tured in a rough way, straight to the point, without any embellishment.

Be sure not to miss the present­a­tion of “Dick skin­ners” book, by Tadej Vauk­man himself!


More about Tadej on his blog.