Vladimir Film Festival

Phil Evans interview

8 / 9 2015 / Interview

I know Sergej Vutuc since the 90-ties, when we star­ted to skate in Zagreb. Phil Evans made a doc­u­ment­ary about six pho­to­graph­ers and one of them was Sergej. In 2011 the film was released and in the same year friends of mine came to an idea to start a skate film fest­iv­al in a small town in Istria, called Fažana. Of course that Format Per­spect­ive was first on our wish list! I con­tac­ted Sergej, he gave me Phil’s mail and we got our first video for the  fest­iv­al. The rest is his­tory, until some­body erase it from the internet…

Although it’s quite a small event, we came to the third year! We also star­ted a blog, as you may see! Look­ing back a little bit, one of the logic­al steps was to make an inter­view with Phil. Enjoy it!

Inter­view by Marko Zubak

Q: Your Format Per­spect­ive was one of three movies fea­tured on our first Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al in Fažana, in 2011. Sergej Vutuc gave us your con­tact and I remem­ber how happy we were when you accep­ted our invit­a­tion to par­ti­cip­ate. At the time, you have just released the video and were doing the screen­ings around the world. What were your first thoughts when you received a mail ask­ing for your latest film for some small skate film fest­iv­al in some small town in Croa­tia you nev­er heard of?

A: Emmm..I think my fist thoughts were “Sure, cool”? Although my vis­it to Croa­tia was short, I still really enjoyed it and met a bunch of rad indi­vidu­als so why would I not get involved..

Q: The list of screen­ings of Format Per­spect­ive is quite impress­ive, awards, nom­in­a­tions, offi­cial selec­tions… Did all this opened some new paths for you , also out­side the skate world, and which?

A: To be hon­est I got slightly lazy when I was tour­ing because, well, it was a lot of fun! Skat­ing, trav­el­ling, beer… so I was not being too pro­duct­ive and try­ing to film that much, I think I felt like a little break… but yeah, it was cool to get the film into some fest­ivals as it makes it a little easi­er to get new pro­jects off the ground if people see you have some­what proven your­self. Apart from the busi­ness side of things I think the best part of all of it is mak­ing some really good friends along the way, why both­er otherwise?

Q: You also made a stop-motion music video for the band called Blind Yack­ety.   I’m a big lov­er of stop-motion, it’s totally dif­fer­ent work­ing pro­cess and the way of think­ing. What came first in your life, photo or video? How did you decided to make the video in that way?

A: I’ve almost exclus­ively being doing video for years, I nev­er really con­sidered myself a pho­to­graph­er. How­ever, with the Blind Yack­ety pro­ject, the idea came first, then I had to work out how best to execute the idea – that happened to be stop motion. Man, that video was a lot of work! How­ever, its good to use the pro­spect of cre­at­ing some­thing new to learn some new tech­nic­al skills.  Stop motion is a very tedi­ous time con­sum­ing pro­cess though, and quite a lonely one so its best doing it with someone and dur­ing the winter!

Q: What’s the taste of stop-motion after all the videos you’ve made? Was it a flirt or can we expect some new love to come out?

A: Let see what hap­pens this winter – I’d like to do some­thing with my friend Mike O Shea, but we’ll see what we feel like when the weath­er gets colder.

Q: What’s the dif­fer­ence between your approach to com­mer­cial and per­son­al work? Can you ima­gine your­self being a film­maker without being a skateboarder?

A: I want to keep mak­ing skate videos, but only as long as I am stoked to make them and can keep com­ing up with new ideas to keep myself inter­ested… How­ever, so much of my life is com­pletely con­sumed by skate­board­ing that its quite nice to work on oth­er pro­jects to give myself a break and keep the stoke up for the skate stuff – its good to get out of the skate bubble and exper­i­ence and learn new things. I’ve been mak­ing some music videos lately that were a lot of fun to do so that’s def­in­itely some­thing I’d like to expand on – who knows what ever else? It depends on what I’m inspired by I suppose.
As far a dif­fer­ence between com­mer­cial and per­son­al work, I don’t really see one – gen­er­ally with my com­mer­cial pro­jects its usu­ally some­thing I’ve star­ted myself and then a brand/financier becomes involved – its the same for the so called per­son­al stuff, only I don’t get paid for that.

Q: Have you got any “dream” pro­ject and how would it look like?

A: If I’m not mak­ing the stuff I want to make then I would not have the energy to make it, so I sup­pose I am work­ing on what I want to work on which is some­thing I don’t want to take for granted.

Q: This year, in Septem­ber, will be the third edi­tion of Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al and it’s still a small event organ­ised by a bunch of skate enthu­si­asts. You’re cur­rently bring­ing to an end your work on new doc­u­ment­ary about Malmö skate scene. Would you like to come to Fažana and screen it on one of our future VFF?

A: If I can make it hap­pen I will make it hap­pen! I just need to fin­ish the doc­u­ment­ary first, haha! Cheers dude!