Vladimir Film Festival

Pan­dora’s box by Luka Pinto

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Pan­dora’s box is volume one of a pro­ject Luka Pinto has been work­ing on titled Crew Report. The video doc­u­ments the Jer­sey scene between 2016 — 2019. It fea­tures Glen Fox, Ryan Cun­ning­ham, Dillon Cat­ney, Roberts Krums, Eduardo Da Rocha, Jeremy Jones and Luka Pinto amongst many friends.

The video is called Pan­dora’s Box and the name is an idea that i had about Jer­sey look­ing like a neat little pack­age of a happy clappy island, but in my view, holds a dark­er side where people are obsessed with money and become bored here so smash the booze and drugs.

Pan­dora’s box plays on Fri­day 27th in Fažana at the Piaza Grande.