Vladimir Film Festival

Ori­gin­al­Copy: Pan­no­ni­an Romance

4 / 10 / 2021 / Story

Our dear friends from Slov­e­nia Tomaž Šantl and Zlatko Djo­gić are going on with their series Ori­gin­al­Copy, and now their 10th epis­ode titled “Pan­no­ni­an Romance” is now online. It premiered on June 2021 at Volja atelier and cloth­ing shop in Ljubljana fol­lowed with a photo exhib­i­tion by Peter Fettich.

Skate­board­ing done by Jan Robek, Tomaž Šantl, Mark Pogačar Nikolić, Zlatko Djo­gić, Luka Demšar and music by Zlatko Djogić.
Go check out their web­site ori​gin​al​cop​ies​.com