Vladimir Film Festival

Orange Man’s Deluded Day Dream

Fažana / Kasarna / 20 / 09 / 2023 / Film

In Orange Man’s Deluded Day Dream, we take a look inside Orange Man’s head- lit­er­ally! This is a place where psy­che­del­ic cacti slimily secrete sweet secrets, skate­boards have legs where wheels should be and where Orange Man’s very brain, adorned with orange bean­ie and all, carves the corners of the inside of his skull!

With the mas­ter­ful mind and craft of anim­at­or Dan “My New Best Friend” Chris­john, and Orange Man’s bag of power tools and par­lor tricks, impossible is noth­ing (for bet­ter or worse) and our
world of pure ima­gin­a­tion is our skatepark!