Vladimir Film Festival

O3EPO pro­ject

Fažana / Stara Fažana / 22 / 9 / 2017 / Film

Photo by Alexey Lapin

Skaters from fam­ous Rus­si­an skate brand Absurd Skate­boards and skaters from Car­hartt WIP got togeth­er on this unusu­al pro­ject, a trip from Moscow to Baikal lake in Siber­ia. They went togeth­er through five time zones, cross­ing more than 6000 km, which took them over three weeks.

The pro­ject is called O3EPO, which means lake in Rus­si­an, (or “jezero” in Croa­tian) and after the premi­eres at Bright in Ber­lin and Faces and Laces in Moscow, it comes to VFF2017 in Fažana, accom­pan­ied with a lim­ited num­ber of free zines, fea­tur­ing the pho­to­graphs from Alexey Lap­in and Felipe Bar­to­lomé. Come and grab yours!

The video will be shown on Fri­day, Septem­ber 22nd in the Fažana old square.
