Vladimir Film Festival


Fažana / Piazza Grande / 28 / 9 / 2018 / Film

A few short films by Tom Wilk will be presen­ted on Fri­day 28th in Fažana fol­lowed by a photo exhib­i­tion. We asked Tom for a few words about him and his project:

Keep­ing it mov­ing since 1981. Born in Poland, raised in Canada, and cur­rently resid­ing in Lon­don UK, when not explor­ing new coun­tries and con­tin­ents. Skate­board­ing, travel, and hav­ing fun is the motto! Got hooked on skate­board­ing in 1996 and can­’t stop, won’t stop! Grew up skat­ing the streets of Wind­sor Ontario, Detroit, and Toronto — and trapped in that Golden Era Forever! Skate­board­ing is my Foun­tain Of Youth and Uni­ver­sal Lan­guage!!! Nev­er take your­self too ser­i­ous… and stay pos­it­ive! Fuck The Rat Race!

These short films called “Mustapha” are just a ran­dom idea that I came up with while vis­it­ing vari­ous coun­tries, most of it was filmed hun­gov­er and drunk! Hon­estly, I really just wanted to show­case the city/country a little bit while have a good laugh and cre­at­ing some mem­or­able con­tent with friends, in between the tricks and beers! Hope­fully these (the short films) will make a great addi­tion to Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al, espe­cially as little fillers videos between the longer screen­ings, and to get peeps laughing.