Vladimir Film Festival

Mon­stro De Tokyo

Fažana / Main square / 21 / 09 / 2023 / Film

After a 2018 debut in Bor­deaux, France and then a 2022 sequel in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, this third install­ment in Rémi Luciani and Léo Valls Mon­stro series pro­longs the duo’s per­eg­rin­a­tions all the way to Tokyo — famil­i­ar grounds for Léo, who already had vis­ited over a dozen times and nur­tured ties with the Japan­ese skate scene for fif­teen years. Keep­ing up with the usu­al Sony VX-1000, ten-minute edit format, Mon­stro De Tokyo also fea­tures the skate­board­ing of loc­al heads Hiroki Muraoka, Akira Imamura, Shogo Zama, Masaki & Shintaro Hongo, and of Jesse Nar­vaez, who flew in from San Fran­cisco, USA just to join in on the fun.