Vladimir Film Festival

Mockba Life

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

On Fri­day 27th at the Fažana old square Piazza Grande we are watch­ing Mockba Life by Paul Labadie.

First you get the brewsky, then you get the bread, then you get the vodka.

Chris Pfan­ner

Bread in this case mean­ing clips and pho­tos… It was beer if you were thirsty and vodka to cel­eb­rate… That’s pretty much how it went down this past sum­mer when the Vans Europe crew headed to the Rus­si­an cap­it­al for two weeks. After Pfan­nman made sure every­one had their Rus­si­an visas in order the crew assembled in Moscow on June 21, Go Skate­board­ing Day. Max Pack and Romain Batard were on hand to film, Davy Van Laere was there shoot­ing pho­tos and the crew was large! We’re talk­ing a big crew of Europeans (and one Amer­ic­an) con­sist­ing of Daniel Luther­an, Vic­tor Pel­legrin, Axel Cruys­berghs, Yeelen Moens, Albert Nyberg, Val Bauer, Joseph Biais, Kale Wiehn, Thanos Pan­ou, and Pepe Tirelli all flown in and of course the Rus­si­an loc­als Kir­ill Korob­kov, Roma Ivan­ov, Alex Krasniy, Boss, Vova Pavlov, Tolia Tit­aev and oth­ers were on hand to share all the amaz­ing new Moscow spots (many built in the past 4 – 5 years due to the 2018 World Cup). And of course, the crew got that bread! It was like a bread fact­ory… Edited by Paul Labadie (who would have been on the trip also had it not been for the birth of his new daugh­ter) and packed with excite­ment is “Mockba Life”. So sit back, grab some vodka and enjoy.

Text by Will Harmon