Mátyás Ricsi: The Bottomless Well

If you’ve been following the numerous video adventures of Budapest’s Rios Crew on YouTube throughout the years, which we sincerely hope you’ve been (or perhaps you’ve caught the Push Periodical World Tour videos, if not Brett Nichols’ Állatkert), or even skate nerd it hard enough on Instagram to recognize @balekovits, then there is absolutely no doubt that you know about Keszthely, Hungary-born and raised Mátyás Ricsi — his hopeful interpretation of the world, be it via his social media posts or his claiming of some of the roughest spots the region has to offer, most likely wasn’t without marking you then. One dimension of the character one may not be familiar with, though (unless they avidly read Henry Kingsford’s amazing Grey Skate Mag), is Mátyás’ longtime interest for poetry, which has been persisting for twenty years now — and one he’s been partaking in this whole time, as one more creative outlet.
Keszthely, Hungary-born and ‑raised Mátyás Ricsi lives by the motto of sharing his hopeful vision of the world and exchanging with the next soul, on the look out for positive horizons via interpersonal inspiration and healthy general growth; be it via his skateboarding as relentlessly documented by Butapest’s Rios crew, or his longtime interest for poetry. [Ever since] I first felt in love, twenty years ago, I’ve felt the need to express my feelings more deeply than by just saying ‘I love you’, he explains. His new project: The Bottomless Well comprises a bilingual selection of his Hungarian and English poems, all written between 2020 – 2022 and mainly influenced and inspired by nature and all of its children: the trees, the wind, the birds, the hills, the rivers, the lakes, the sun and the whole cosmos, which gives the opportunity to all to be in existence at all. They were chosen because they reflect on the relativity of time, and how humans interact with nature in those modern times.