Vladimir Film Festival

Mátyás Ric­si: The Bot­tom­less Well

Barbariga / Fort Forno / 23 / 9 / 2022 / Talk

If you’ve been fol­low­ing the numer­ous video adven­tures of Bud­apest’s Rios Crew on You­Tube through­out the years, which we sin­cerely hope you’ve been (or per­haps you’ve caught the Push Peri­od­ic­al World Tour videos, if not Brett Nich­ols’ Állatkert), or even skate nerd it hard enough on Ins­tagram to recog­nize @balekovits, then there is abso­lutely no doubt that you know about Keszthely, Hun­gary-born and raised Mátyás Ric­si — his hope­ful inter­pret­a­tion of the world, be it via his social media posts or his claim­ing of some of the roughest spots the region has to offer, most likely wasn’t without mark­ing you then. One dimen­sion of the char­ac­ter one may not be famil­i­ar with, though (unless they avidly read Henry Kingsford’s amaz­ing Grey Skate Mag), is Mátyás’ long­time interest for poetry, which has been per­sist­ing for twenty years now — and one he’s been par­tak­ing in this whole time, as one more cre­at­ive outlet.

Keszthely, Hun­gary-born and ‑raised Mátyás Ric­si lives by the motto of shar­ing his hope­ful vis­ion of the world and exchan­ging with the next soul, on the look out for pos­it­ive hori­zons via inter­per­son­al inspir­a­tion and healthy gen­er­al growth; be it via his skate­board­ing as relent­lessly doc­u­mented by Butapest’s Rios crew, or his long­time interest for poetry. [Ever since] I first felt in love, twenty years ago, I’ve felt the need to express my feel­ings more deeply than by just say­ing ‘I love you’, he explains. His new pro­ject: The Bot­tom­less Well com­prises a bilin­gual selec­tion of his Hun­gari­an and Eng­lish poems, all writ­ten between 2020 – 2022 and mainly influ­enced and inspired by nature and all of its chil­dren: the trees, the wind, the birds, the hills, the rivers, the lakes, the sun and the whole cos­mos, which gives the oppor­tun­ity to all to be in exist­ence at all. They were chosen because they reflect on the relativ­ity of time, and how humans inter­act with nature in those mod­ern times.