Vladimir Film Festival

Malmö City X

Fažana / Kasarna / 16 / 9 / 2021 / Film


Malmö City X is an elec­tro­mag­net­ic skate­board por­trait that fol­lows the every­day struggle of the two tired and inde­cis­ive but yet pas­sion­ate skate­boarders Jonas and Den­nis, as they hunt for skate spots in Malmö, Sweden by Jac­ob Carls­son. A delib­er­ate attempt at break­ing free from the tra­di­tion­al skate video format, dir­ec­tion of the film was craf­ted around self-imposed restric­tions such as min­im­al use of the clas­sic fisheye lens and, most import­antly, everything is seen through the eye of a mod­i­fied CRT TV cam­era from 1980, equipped with the romantic/notorious “Vidicon” pic­ture-tube, known for its char­ac­ter­ist­ic image lag and over­all psy­che­del­ic tone — foot­age then inter­laced with ori­gin­al double bass solos by Joakim Wladis, for one extra lay­er of impro­vised lines.

I decided to do some­thing dif­fer­ent, and the cam­era choice was one of the ways to do so.