Vladimir Film Festival

Liz­zie Heath

Pula / Kino Valli / 23 / 09 / 2023 / Exhibition

Liz­zie Heath is an Illus­trat­or and Manga Artist liv­ing in Lon­don. She cre­ates whim­sic­al com­ics inspired by her daily life, friends, and skate­board­ing. She began skate­board­ing in 2016, and it wasn’t long until the col­or­ful world of skate­board­ing star­ted to inspire ideas for her char­ac­ters and stor­ies. Her life-long interest in art and new­found love of skate­board­ing nat­ur­ally and quickly merged. 

Along­side her day-job, Liz­zie self-pub­lishes her own com­ics and takes on com­mis­sions by skate brands for com­ics, illus­tra­tion and anim­a­tion work. She has self-pub­lished three com­ic books, Sights of Japan, Wel­come to Palestine and Rid­ing with Legends. She has designed two skate­board graph­ics for Brit­ish skate­board com­pany Lovenskate, has had two com­ic fea­tures in European skate­board magazine Skateism, and cur­rently has a reg­u­lar fea­ture called Com­ics Corner in Vague Skate Mag, a bimonthly Brit­ish skate­board magazine. 

Liz­zie is cur­rently work­ing on her next self-pub­lished book, Lucy’s Notes on Life, Love and Skate­board­ing. It will be her first seri­al­ised manga and it will be a good chal­lenge towards her skills as a writer and manga artist. In the mean­time, Liz­zie con­tin­ues with her Com­ic Corners fea­ture in Vague Skate Mag as well as oth­er commissions. 

These works are a col­lec­tion of illus­tra­tion and com­ics that I have cre­ated over the last three years. They are a mix­ture of per­son­al and com­mis­sioned pieces. Some of the illus­tra­tions were cre­ated just for fun, includ­ing and a few self-por­traits. Often, my work is inspired by my real-life adven­tures and mis­haps. I am hugely inspired by 80/90’s Japan­ese manga and anime. Each art­work is hand drawn using pen­cil, out­lined with pen & ink, and then colored digit­ally in Photoshop.

If you like her work you can get in touch with her via e‑mail hats.​off.​to.​elizabeth@​hotmail.​co.​uk or ins­tagram