Vladimir Film Festival

A Let­ter to Croatia

2 / 9 / 2016 / Story

Mr. Nich­olas Edwards Shar­ratt or simply known as Nick of Palo­mino runs a skate­board inter­net Lon­don based out­let with bunch of inde­pend­ent skate­board stuff such as decks, clothes, zines, skate pub­lic­a­tions, DVDs and bunch of others…

We came across Palo­mino as last years vis­it­ors Will (Har­mon) and Henry (Kings­ford) were telling us that Nick almost vis­ited the fest. So Nick who (said) is exited as a little baby at Christ­mas is bring­ing us a sur­prise video! And of course the one and only Palo­mino store with all sorts of goods at all good prices. For this occa­sion he sent us a con­veni­ent let­ter, enjoy!

Cheers Nick!