Kurbe by Matej Počervina
Kurbe is a name that came out of joke replying to question “Where are we skating today?” The answer was usually “Gremo na kurbe” (literal trans: let’s go to whores). Skating that one slappy curb next to a skatepark, we just called the spot “kurbe” (whores), which has totally different and a lot juicier meaning in Slovenian language. Although skating slappies is a common trend in skateboarding nowadays, the primal goal was just to make a fun friends session video of one curb spot. That eventually escalated into making as much as possible from what this curb spot has to offer.
Filming with phone only, the challenge was to present the vertical frame filming in 16:9 movie, thus playing more takes of the same trick simultaneously next to each other and just playing with this idea to see what comes up. Since editing and skateboarding are pretty unconventional in this one it wouldn´t make it right if not accompanied by some unconventional music. Volunteering skaters are also members of some unruly music bands/projects which were perfect for setting a tone for this jam.