Vladimir Film Festival

Kur­be by Matej Počervina

Barbariga / Fort Forno / 23 / 9 / 2022 / Film

Kur­be is a name that came out of joke reply­ing to ques­tion “Where are we skat­ing today?” The answer was usu­ally “Gremo na kur­be” (lit­er­al trans: let’s go to whores). Skat­ing that one slappy curb next to a skate­park, we just called the spot “kur­be” (whores), which has totally dif­fer­ent and a lot juici­er mean­ing in Slov­e­ni­an lan­guage. Although skat­ing slap­pies is a com­mon trend in skate­board­ing nowadays, the prim­al goal was just to make a fun friends ses­sion video of one curb spot. That even­tu­ally escal­ated into mak­ing as much as pos­sible from what this curb spot has to offer.
Film­ing with phone only, the chal­lenge was to present the ver­tic­al frame film­ing in 16:9 movie, thus play­ing more takes of the same trick sim­ul­tan­eously next to each oth­er and just play­ing with this idea to see what comes up. Since edit­ing and skate­board­ing are pretty uncon­ven­tion­al in this one it wouldn´t make it right if not accom­pan­ied by some uncon­ven­tion­al music. Volun­teer­ing skaters are also mem­bers of some unruly music bands/projects which were per­fect for set­ting a tone for this jam.