Vladimir Film Festival

Krzysztof Godek

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Krzysztof Godek (1990), a skate­board film­maker and pho­to­graph­er from Poland.

I hate it but I’m addicted to stack fresh clips.

The idea of this video, titled If You don’t skate — don’t start, was to col­lect the best pos­sible pol­ish foot­age dur­ing 1 year of shoot­ing and focus­ing only on that. Liv­ing in a van and film­ing all day, every day, going to vari­ous cit­ies all around Poland (mostly Warsaw) and close sur­round­ings like Prague, Ukraine, etc. and shoot­ing skaters from 17 to 40 years old. Quick moves, fresh spots or new ways of skat­ing at pop­u­lar spots, styl­ish land­ings only, quite heavy selec­tion of foot­age, hip hop…

I try to film only fresh, inter­est­ing stuff. I just want to make a video that I’d like to see myself. I hope You’ll like it and find out more about our scene.

Take a look at this inde­pend­ent Poland video on Fri­day 27th of Septem­ber at the Piazza Grande. Screen­ings start from 8pm.