Vladimir Film Festival

Kompa by Mihael Šandro

Fažana / Stara Fažana / 22 / 9 / 2017 / Film

Mihael Šandro, a nine­teen year old from Rijeka, cur­rently liv­ing in Copen­ha­gen, has been cre­at­ing short video clips for the past few years, doc­u­ment­ing croa­tian skate scene, mostly focus­ing on Rijeka’s scene in which he oft en participates.

In col­lab­or­a­tion with Simple skate­boards he cre­ated his first fea­tured video Kompa (slang for buddy). Video is gath­er­ing all of the prom­in­ent skaters from the Croa­tian skate­board­ing scene, also fea­tur­ing few a Slov­e­ni­an skaters. Video was filmed for the past two years on loc­a­tions in Croa­tia, Slov­e­nia and Italy.

You can catch it on Fri­day, Septem­ber 22nd at Caffe bar Stara Fažana.