Vladimir Film Festival

Kir­ill’s secret exhib­i­tion part 2

Fažana / Secret location / 22 - 25 / 9 / 2022 / Exhibition

Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al is always full of sur­prises, and 2022 will be no dif­fer­ent. A secret exhib­i­tion by Kir­ill Korob­kov of Absurd Skate­boards will give the view­ers a glimpse into the unique, beau­ti­ful, and when cap­tured through Kirill’s lens often comed­ic con­trasts of the land of Dagest­an from Feb­ru­ary of this year.
There will be clues released dur­ing the fest­iv­al reveal­ing hints about the loc­a­tion of the exhib­i­tion and it will be your job to put the pieces togeth­er and do some explor­ing your­self, ven­tur­ing to pos­sibly remote loc­a­tions just like the Absurd team has done to cre­ate this gift for us. There will also be a screen­ing of the Absurd in Dagest­an video this year… stay tuned for more inform­a­tion about their jour­ney. Remind­er: The first secret exhib­i­tion is still stand­ing where we left it in 2019. It’s loc­ated behind the writ­ings of the 2014 Vladi­mir poster where old factor­ies and our RIP DIY used to be.

First hint: Mir­ror, mir­ror, on the wall — who’s the pret­ti­est of them all?