Vladimir Film Festival

Keanu Rob­son’s Hawaii­an Peel

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 28 / 9 / 2018 / Film

Illus­tra­tion by: Leo Mac­don­ald Oulds

Here are a few words for the edit:

Four of us took a trip to Maui, Hawaii in 2016 with a loose idea to film and doc­u­ment our time there. Filmed on Video 8. Our cam­era got ran over fisheye for­wards in the first week, luck­ily video 8 cam­er­as are only around $50. Please enjoy the long lens foot­age we scraped togeth­er in the last couple weeks. Fea­tur­ing Leo Mac­don­ald Oulds, Reuben Cantere, Keanu Rob­son, Jac­ob John­son, Zak Gold. Filmed and edited by Keanu Rob­son, a skate­boarder, and artist aged 23 from Manchester.

That is what Keanu said about the film and we can add that he got a loc­al nick­name. From now on you can call him Keanu Reeves. Do that on Fri­day 28th in Fažana’s old square Piazza Grande.