Vladimir Film Festival

Kaštel fort­ress — addi­tion to the festival

Pula / Kastel / 29 / 9 / 2018 / Info

Part of the pro­gram is set at a new loc­a­tion thanks to our new part­ner The His­tor­ic­al and Mari­time Museum of Istria. The new loc­a­tion is the won­der­ful hill­top fort­ress Kaštel situ­ated in the heart of Pula.

On Sat­urday 29th we will be premi­erly present­ing The Skat­rix, a video install­a­tion made by Coan Nich­ols and Rick Charnoski. Don’t miss out on this one!

You can find more inform­a­tion about the fort­ress and the loc­a­tion here.